Coinage in the Latin East: Edbury, P.W. & Metcalf, D.M. (Hrsg.): Coinage in the Latin East. The Fourth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History (BAR, Int. Ser. 77), Oxford…
Tagg: David Michael Metcalf
Coinage in Ninth-Century Northumbria: Metcalf, D.M. (Hrsg.): Coinage in Ninth-Century Northumbria. The Tenth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History (BAR, Brit. Ser. 180), Oxford 1987.
Coinage in Medieval Scotland: Metcalf, D.M. (utg.): Coinage in Medieval Scotland (1100-1600). The Second Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History (BAR 45), Oxford 1977.